Telehealth Consultation
A treatment is available from anywhere, anytime!
Service Description
Includes a thorough intake of systems, and customized Chinese &/or Western herbs, wild crafted Pocean Flower Essence prescription, self treatment prescriptions which may include customized LifeWave patching protocol (see more at Herbs, essences and patches will be shipped to you. Cost varies depending on length of consultation, herbs and patches.
Cancellation Policy
Please let us know at least 25 hours before your scheduled service if you are unable to make your appointment. Note that there is a last minute cancellation fee of the equivalent to the cost of the service you have cancelled. This is to honor that last minute cancellations prevent those who could use the support from receiving care. If you have a medical or family emergency that merits a necessary last minute cancellation, please let me know asap. If you are feeling sick, please reach out before cancelling, so we can discuss a feasible treatment option.
Contact Details
+ 831.200.4325(Heal)
770 26th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, USA Suites A & B